
Upcoming Webinars

There are no upcoming webinars at this time. Please check back, as we hope to have more scheduled soon!

Past Webinars

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Building Literacy Across California: Issues, Challenges, and Successful Strategies

In this webinar hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Reading and Writing (CAR/W), we will be hearing from County Offices of Education across the state. Our panelists will present their perspectives on what the vital issues are in terms of Literacy Education, what needs are emerging in a post-pandemic environment, and some successful strategies being implemented in their respective regions.

Christopher Eddings, Lucy Edwards, Danielle Ross, and Leslie Zoroya 4/21/2022
ERWC Webinar: Authentic Writing Instruction

Nadia will share her research into "authentic" writing instruction and offer strategies for building a robust writing program at the high school and middle school levels.

Nadia Behizadeh is an associate professor of adolescent literacy in the College of Education & Human Development’s Department of Middle and Secondary Education. She is also a co-director for the Center for Equity and Justice in Teacher Education. In addition to her scholarly activities, Behizadeh teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in educational research and theory, English language arts methods and content literacy.

Nadia Behizadeh 4/19/2023
ERWC Webinar: A Principled Approach to Writing

Welcome Anne Whitney as she joins our three-part webinar series on writing in the classroom. Anne will introduce the key elements of NCTE's "Principled Approach to Writing" and discuss how they impact writing instruction.

Dr. Anne Whitney is a former high school English teacher. Her research addresses writing and how writing works in school and life. This work has included studies in elementary, secondary, college, and professional development settings and non-school contexts such as churches.

Dr. Anne Whitney 3/16/2023
ERWC Webinar: Confronting Challenges in Teaching ELA and Writing Instruction

Welcome back Matthew Johnson as he joins us for a discussion on some of the biggest issues facing teaching middle and high school students today, and how these changes impact writing instruction.

Matthew Johnson is a father, husband, and English language arts teacher in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is also a contributing writer for the New York Times Learning Network, EdWeek, and Edutopia and blogs regularly about writing instruction and pedagogy at www.matthewmjohnson.com This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Matthew Johnson 2/16/2023
ERWC Webinar: Exploring a Translanguaging Approach to Bilingual Education

In this session, Danling Fu will discuss the future of emergent bilingual education and its roots in an inclusive translanguaging pedagogy. Embracing home languages and cultures, Danling's approach nurtures the development of multiple literacies enabling individuals to thrive academically, socially, linguistically, and intellectually.

Danling Fu is a Chinese immigrant who learned to write in English as a graduate student. Her experience continues to motivate her to teach other English learners and to discover effective teaching methods to support them. A professor in the area of literacy at the University of Florida with a specialty in writing and literacy instruction for new immigrants. She has had extensive experience of working in high poverty low performing K-12 public schools in New York City populated with new immigrant children and youths, among whom 250 languages are spoken.

Danling Fu 11/16/2022
ERWC Webinar: The Rhetoric of Poetry

The ERWC community is pleased to kickoff its Spring webinar series with a very special guest, Daniel Summerhill. In this session, Daniel will explore the connection between rhetoric and poetry and his work to transform language for the purposes of social action, community building, and truth-telling.

Daniel B. Summerhill is Professor of Poetry/Social Action and Composition Studies at California State University Monterey and the inaugural Poet Laureate of Monterey County, CA. He is the author of Divine, Divine, Divine (Nomadic Press), a semifinalist for the Charles B. Wheeler Prize. Summerhill holds an M.F.A. from Pine Manor College (Solstice). He received the Sharon Olds Fellowship and was nominated to Everipedia’s 30 under 30 list.

Daniel Summerhill 1/18/2023